Accreditation Standard of the Institute of Architects, Bangladesh 2010

Short Title and Commencement
1. These standards may be called the “Accreditation Standard of Institute of Architects Bangladesh, 2010”.

Provision for Revision
1. Education related Standing Committee appointed by the Executive Committee of IAB has the authority to revise and modify the “Accreditation Standard of Institute of Architects Bangladesh, 2010” as deemed necessary in the future.

Admission to the Architecture Programme
1. The programme must ensure that admitted students are qualified to study courses offered in the respective B.Arch. programme.
2. The programme has to carry out an aptitude test to select student at the entry level.
3. The institution dealing with admission of candidates to the 1st year of 5-year B.Arch. Degree course are required to follow the minimum requirement of entry level student and the process as prescribed in Appendix 01: Human Resource Student.

Standards of Faculty and Staff
1. The programme has to posses enough faculty and staff to successfully run the B.Arch. programme. The quantity of faculty must ensure minimum ratio between teacher and student as prescribed in Appendix 02: Human Resource Faculty and Staff.
2. The programme must also ensure that it is run by qualified faculty as prescribed in Appendix 03: Minimum Qualifications of Faculty.
3. The programme may hire part time faculty but strictly within the limits of Appendix 02: Human Resource Faculty and Staff.

Courses and Periods of Studies
1. Each B.Arch. programme will develop its own curriculum to ensure that its respective mission statement is achieved. However, the curriculum of the B.Arch. programme must follow the minimum required courses and periods of study as given in Appendix 04: Architecture Curriculum.

Physical Resource
1. Adequate physical resource is essential to run a successful B.Arch. programme. The programme must have the minimum physical resource necessary to run a B.Arch. programme as prescribed in Appendix 05: Physical Resources.

Financial Resource
1. A Programme must have access to institutional support and financial resources comparable to those made available to the other relevant professional programmes within the institution
2. There should be a separate programme budget and development budget, prepared annually and updated frequently. It should also keep provisions for receiving endowments, and providing scholarships and stipends under a clear policy

Teaching-Learning Process
1. The programme must encourage and protect continuous interaction between practice and teaching of architecture
2. The programme is advised to create systems for self-evaluation and peer- review conducted at regular intervals

Supplementary Process
1. The Programme must provide clear, complete, and accurate information to the public by including in its catalogue and promotional literature explaining the parameters of an accredited professional degree programme
2. The programme will provide an educational environment to all faculty, students, and staff, without prejudices towards any race, creed, gender, age, physical ability, or sexual orientation
3. It must have a clear policy outlining both individual and collective opportunities for faculty and student growth within and outside the programme

Termination of Awarded Accreditation
1. The authority (Education Standing Committee) reserves the right to review or cancel awarded accreditation to a B.Arch. programme if considered necessary.


Association of Architects
Architects Regional Council Asia

Commonwealth Association of Architects
Union International Des Architects

Mailing Address

IAB Centre, Plot-11, Road-7, Block-E, Agargaon Sher-E-Banglanagar, Dhaka.


Tel: +880255007196, +880255007197


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