Ar. Khan Md. Mustapha Khalid, Vice President (National Affairs), IAB, Ar. Farhana Sharmin Emu, General Secretary, IAB, Ar. Md. Iqbal Habib, Ar. Nurur Rahman Khan along with IAB President Ar. Mubasshar Hussain discussed at the residence of Mr. Nasrul Hamid MP, the Honorable State Minister, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources on 6 February 2021. The delegates expressed their concerns about the demolition of Kamalapur Railway Station to HE Naoki Ito San, the Ambassador of Japan to Bangladesh, and to Mr. Hayakawa Yuho San, Chief Representative, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Bangladesh office. After a long discussion, the ambassador hinted on informing Kajima Corporation, the PPP's Japanese investor, regarding the matter before the next joint investment meeting scheduled on 24 February 2021. The JICA head confirms that the said demolition is not a direct resultant of the MRT Project.
The State Minister, present in the discussion, assured his full cooperation to IAB. He was finally thanked by the delegates for arranging such meet with the Ambassador of Japan and Head of JICA.
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